Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Little Music and . . .

Chapter Four is up at WordPress . . . finally!

Okay, music . . .

I told you about a group called SPEAK a few weeks ago, with a link to "Carrie (Mindful)"

Well, their debut album "I Believe In Everything" is out, (Yeah...go ahead, check it out, and BUY it here) and it's fabulous. If you like synth/electro pop/alternative with tight vocals, bass (on the funky side), drums (WOW) and guitar (VERY versatile!) give them a listen. I really can't say enough of how impressed I am by these guys. They remind me of so many of my all-time favorite bands: the harmonies at times VERY Beach Boys, singer Troupe's alternately growly (Depeche Mode) and soaring (Civil Twilight/Passion Pit) leads, and Nick and Joey - how DO you sing that high, that well, and pull off the chops instrumentally at the same time? All driven by Jake on percussion. (Again...WOW.) Foster the People (funky, edgy, vocal ranges) comes to mind too. I wish them all the luck in the world!

Also . . . Switchfoot:

I've loved this band since the first time I heard "New Way to Be Human" way back in . . . (ahem) . . . the day. Their last album, "Hello Hurricane," is terrific and so far I'm liking the newest, "Vice Verses," but it was WONDERFUL to actually hear them on my local alternative station. It's been a long time!!! That single and my favorite track on that album so far:


More Glister info and chapters at the book's website here: theglisterjournals.com

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